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8 Important Reasons to Use Managed Security Services

By Chris Boudreau | October 25, 2021

2020 wasn’t only the year that brought us the COVID-19 pandemic, it was also the year of the cyber pandemic. Hackers and criminal groups from around the world took advantage of the disruption in business operations and launched a significant increase in attacks.

Malware attacks increased by 358% in 2020, and ransomware was even worse. Attacks using ransomware skyrocketed by 435% last year. 

These attacks aren’t only targeting larger companies, they hit all-sized businesses, and many SMBs are disproportionally impacted because they don’t have the same robust IT security services in place as enterprises.

You don’t need to hire your own in-house cybersecurity team to keep your business protected from devastating data breaches and malware attacks. Managed Security Services are designed to give you exactly what you need to keep your devices, data, and network secure for an affordable price.

What Can I Expect From Managed Security Services?

Managed IT services and managed security services go hand in hand. Where managed IT is focused on your entire technology infrastructure, including hardware maintenance and user helpdesk support, managed security services are specifically focused on cybersecurity and keeping your company safe from cyber threats.

Managed security services can include a bundle of many important security best practices, all provided by experienced professionals. Some of the cyber protection services you can expect when working with PartnerIT include:

  • Threat detection and avoidance
  • Secure data backups
  • Risk assessments and reports
  • Patch & update management
  • Anti-spyware management
  • Spam/phishing management
  • Server disaster recovery

Advantages of Signing Up for a Managed Security Services Plan

Continuous Monitoring for Threats

Threats can come from any direction and unless you know where one is in your network, it can quickly spread and attack multiple devices.

With managed security services, your network and endpoints are continuously monitored so any threats are detected immediately and addressed. Early detection is key to shutting down today’s ransomware and malware, which is designed to spread to as many endpoints as possible quickly.

Significantly Reduces Your Risk of Falling Victim to an Attack

Forty percent of small businesses have experienced 8 or more hours of downtime due to a cybersecurity breach. Just one cyber attack can put a company out of business if they don’t have the resources to bounce back.

Managed security services significantly reduce a company’s risk of falling victim to a cyberattack. With data breaches costing companies millions of dollars, the investment in security services is a smart one.

No More Issues With Software & OS Updates

Non-updated software and operating systems are often responsible for malware being able to take hold and infect a network. Users often put off updates because they can cause issues if not done correctly, and they’re inconvenient.

With managed security services, all your device updates are handled for you without any interruption for your employees. This improves both security and productivity.

Costs Less Than Hiring an In-house Team

Hiring your own in-house team to address cybersecurity can be expensive. By working with an IT professional like PartnerIT for your IT security, you get all the protection you need for a much lower cost.

You can also choose the support services you need to fit your budget and cybersecurity needs.

Fast Incident Response

A large percentage of small businesses don’t know what to do if they are infected with ransomware or suffer a breach. If you don’t already have a relationship with an IT company, then you can be waiting days for someone to respond.

PartnerIT provides fast incident response for all IT and cybersecurity issues. We understand how important your security and technology are and we’ll be there to get the problem addressed ASAP.

No Worries About Compliance Violations

Managed IT security services improve data privacy compliance for companies that need to comply with HIPAA, PCI, and other data protection regulations. This can save you considerable time and effort as well as potential fines and penalties for violations.

Improves Business Continuity & Resiliency

Businesses need to have a robust backup and disaster recovery plan in place to ensure they’re resilient should a crisis or cyberattack happen.

Business continuity is part of managed security services and includes ensuring all your business data is backed up properly and easily restored when you need it. This keeps you from having to pay a ransomware attacker as well as ensures your data is secure no matter what may happen.

Risk Assessments & Reports

It’s hard to protect what you don’t know needs protecting. Risk assessments provide a helpful roadmap that highlights any areas of your IT infrastructure that may be leaving you at risk.

With our assistance, your company will be better prepared for any IT eventuality, reducing your risk, and improving your overall technology environment.

Let’s Customize Your Managed Security Service Plan Today!

PartnerIT can help your Ontario business tailor a managed security services plan to fit your cybersecurity needs and available budget.

Contact us today to learn more at 519-672-0900 or through our website.

Committed to your success, we’ll get you ready to run your business with less effort and more impact.

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